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Disappearance of the HL Hundley by Mark Karvon

Price: $50
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 The submarine HL Hundley was designed by Horace Lawson Hunley and built by engineer James R. McClintock in response to the Confederate government offering bounty as high as $100,000 to anyone who sank a Union warship. Powered by the efforts of 7 men working vigorously at a hand crank, the vessel had a maximum speed of 4 knots. It was 40’ long with a diameter of 4’3” so it was very cramped for a crew of 8 men.On February 17, 1864, the HL Hunley, successfully sank the Union blockade ship USS Housatonic but never returned, leading to the loss of its crew. The submarine's fate remained a mystery until 1995 when it was discovered by an expedition led by Clive Cussler. The Hunley was recovered in 2000 and is now on display in North Charleston, South Carolina. The article also details the submarine's design, its tragic test dives, and the eventual recovery of artifacts and information.

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